The ABAST Group has extensive experience in tax residence transfers to the Principality of Andorra. The services offered by the ABAST Group include the incorporation of companies, as well as the management of all the formalities with the immigration service, social security and other institutions.

Assistance in the documentation and processing necessary to apply for non-profit residency in the Principality of Andorra. Advice on the different modalities of this permit.

Assistance in the documentation and processing necessary to apply for the Andorran residence and self-employment permit. Qualified professions and entrepreneurs.

Advice to companies on the hiring of non-resident employees and processing of residence permits for employees.


Do you want more information?

ABAST Group has a large professional team specialized in the field. If you would like us to analyze your case, you can leave your details in the following contact form and one of our experts will contact you as soon as possible.